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Computer Classes

Computer Skills


This is an independent study program focusing on the computer skills each participant wants to gain.  You can learn to write and send emails, browse the Internet, use Facebook, organize your photographs, and much more!  You can improve typing skills, learn or increase your knowledge of Word, Excel, and similar programs, or write a resume!  What do you need to learn?  These are the classes for you.  Each class starts with a quick assessment and then provides the opportunity to increase your knowledge, build new skills, and gain confidence when you sit in front of a computer.   The teacher will customize instruction for each student.  This is a 5 week, 10 hour class. No class on holidays and breaks.

Class Fee: $45.00

Monday and Wednesday classes offer a choice: bring your own computer or use a school computer

    Monday                  6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Session 1 January 6 - February 24 200303

      Ad Ed Computer Lab Room 1                                        Rhoades


Wednesday    9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


       Session 1              January 8 - February 5 200314

       Session 2              February 12 - March 11 200315

      Ad Ed Computer Lab Room 1                                        Rhoades


Students must bring their own computer for Tuesday classes:

    Tuesday                 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

       Session 1              January 7 - February 4 200404

       Session 2              February 11 - March 10 200405

      Classroom F-11    Bring Your Own Computer      Rhoades